As holiday planning ramps up into full gear, it’s important to remember to organize your kitchen and appliances in a manner that works best for you! While it happens frequently, hosting a holiday lunch or dinner should not be the anxiety-inducing affair many of us expect to experience. It should be a moment to relax while preparing a dish or dishes meant for family and friends to enjoy. Cooking itself can be therapeutic—it engages all the senses—so make sure to plan ahead so you can enjoy the process. Below are a few tips to help you effortlessly get into the swing of things.

Take Inventory
Taking stock of what you have and don’t have is one of the easiest ways to eliminate any last minute issues. That way, those elusive sticks of butter or that carton of milk that happens to be missing every single time they are needed, are stored and accounted for. In addition, get rid of all the extra and unnecessary items that have been sitting in your fridge unused for weeks (if not months). It will not only free up internal space but reduce clutter stress at the same time.
Organize Ahead of Time
Organizing your kitchen ahead of the big day is a must. Take stock of what items, utensils, spices, etc. you need for each dish and adjust your kitchen and mise en place accordingly. Do you usually use your Refrigerator drawers to keep your kids snacks within easy reach? Rearrange them for the big day with the items you most need on hand to make your day of prepping and cooking smooth as pie.
Stock the Bar Victuals aren’t the only items that need to be taken into consideration to be well-prepared for your guests. Take note of how much water and drink accompaniments such as sodas, club sodas, and tonic waters you have available and how much you think you might need. Stocking your bar with various libations you know appeal to your particular crowd way ahead of the big day will serve you well. If you have refrigerator drawers and/or a wine column in your bar—store your sodas, juices, and garnishes in the former and make sure to set your wine columns to the correct temperature for the type of varietals you have in store.