Sometimes it’s a dreaded long weekend, but often having house guests mean a happier, fuller house! So what’s the recipe for bliss? Start in the kitchen! Make sure the refrigerator is stocked so your guests feel right at home. It’s easy to provide a ready-made meal for travelers arriving late and perhaps missing a meal in transit. Grab and go options for the guest who needs a snack before mealtime are essential. And of course a plethora of drinks on hand will make any visitor feel as if he or she is in a five-star resort with a fully stocked and complimentary mini bar.

We get it, you don’t have to go all out and redo the kitchen for the one family visit. But having a fully stocked refrigerator is often nice for everyone. Whether you have surprise visits from in-laws, extra guests at the dinner table or simply a late night at work, sustenance is key! Here are some of our suggestions for making your kitchen more inviting to all:


With a 24-inch glass door, guests will never be shy to peak inside for a look at the daily offerings. Fill this hospitality center with a variety of items like sparkling water, fresh juices, individual produce pieces, cheese sticks, yogurt and any other ready to grab light bites.

Bev Center


At just 15 or 24 inches, put this baby in the guest room! Even the closest of friends and family members might be too shy to go downstairs for a midnight snack. Leave simple drinks and some grapes and apples in this unit with space for guests to sneak something in themselves! Happiness is just footsteps away.



You won’t realize until it’s installed how much space just one small drawer unit will free up in your main refrigerator. Moving items for cooking like onions, peppers and fresh herbs to a more accessible area leaves plenty of space in your main unit for storage. Let’s face it, house guests don’t want to open the refrigerator to find options like chopped onions, cilantro and spinach for snacking! Clear the shelves for the grab and go bites, fresh fruit medleys and drinks!
