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Kitchens don’t have to be white, and appliances don’t have to be boring. True Residential is equipping designers with tools and opportunities – whether they dare to design in color or preserve timeless, classic contrasts.

From cutting-edge technologies like robotic electrostatic sprayers, to personally hand-buffed, polished surfaces – our powder coating, automotive grade liquid paints, and dipped and coated metals allow for striking, distinctive designs. Delivering comprehensive customization, True enables designers to execute their vision


True’s state of the art powder coating facility crafts elegant finishes while maintaining durability. Controlled from start to finish – the entire process takes place at True’s HQ and coats our 300-series stainless steel in any hue. State of the art electrostatic sprayers provide a smooth, consistent finish with no trace of application marks. Cured at over 400 degrees, True’s powder coat will hold up through everyday use – while remaining the focal point of your kitchen.


True’s investment in automotive grade paint allows for unparalleled customization to your refrigeration. Complementing our current offering of curated powder coat colors, this full custom option provides a wide range of luxurious finishes, taking personalization to the next level. Ranging from mattes to sparkling metallics – this allows designers to match everything from bespoke cabinetry to exotic cars. Protected by a rigorously tested topcoat, this exclusive paint offers unmatched quality as well as peace of mind.


The jewelry of your True – the handles and hinges – are offered with distinctive metallics in brushed stainless steel,brass and gold, clear coat dipped copper, pewter, and chrome. Using a variety of techniques including PVD, wire brushing and plating – your True hardware is a forever finish that complements the other accents in your space while guaranteeing resilience. The icing on the cake of your carefully curated kitchen.

True Custom Kitchen

Take inspiration from our mood boards, based on custom designs from our design partners.

Omni 4-in-1 Tap

Onda Metal Pull Handle

Kite Black Porecelain Tile

Sede Black Leather Walnut Dining Chair

Marlowe Ceiling Light

True Custom Design

Shadowy Sunset

Kitchens don’t have to be white, and appliances don’t have to be boring. Copper accents on matte black finishes provide the backdrop for your evening for two or a swanky soiree.

Matte Black
+ Copper

Shelf Bracket

Kali Beaded Flush Mount

Kenly Rug


Minara-Printed Elowen Chair

True Custom Design

French 75

Inspired by the crispness and grace of the French 75, this custom design—gold hardware gracing a Matte White base— is ideal for homeowners with an eye for classic contrasts and elegant notes.

Matte White
+ Gold

Katie Globe Pendant

Olive Tree

Nerd Bar Stool

Swirled Resin

Bluegrass Diamond Tile

True Custom Design

Veni, Vidi, Verdant

Classical, iconoclastic, or aggressively modern, you’ll announce your aesthetic when guests see Emerald + Gold take pride of place in your home. Playing off rich woods or cool stones, this refrigerator never lacks for drama.

+ Gold

Cloudburst Concrete Quartz Countertop

Digital Terrazo Wallpaper

Flame Pendant Light

Moroccan Flatweave

Classic Rolling Library Ladder

True Custom Design

Golden Strand

The world’s most expensive spice by weight, saffron represents the ultimate in indulgence, and this refrigerator, strengthened with stainless, serves up permanence and luxury for those with an eye toward the next century of design.

The True 48 in Saffron for Moodboard

+ Stainless

Silestone* Negro Tebas Countertop

Public Bar Stool

Ozone L Bar

Folk Abigail Pendant

Alchimie Black Tableware

True Custom Design

Opening Night

Complements are best served bold, which is why designers love pairing the tonal depth with the light absorption of our ultra matte black. Completed with neutral pewter, this design announces itself softly yet always draws a crowd.

Ultra Matte Black
+ Pewter

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